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Balance Peppermint & Myrrh 50ml/1.69oz w/spatula

  • Balance Experience
  • Ingredients
  • Oral Beauty Rituals
  • Bring balance into your life.  Respond to circumstances rather than react.  A peaceful authentic healthy happy self.  Love our super luxurious Cacao+Hydroxyapatite Mineral Rich Prebiotic Toothpaste. 
    We use dental-grade 10% micro hydroxyapatite, theobromine cacao, 
    collagen, minerals, trace minerals, ocean pearls, vitamins, and organic & wildcrafted essential oils. 
    Experience a Bright, fresh, smiling-wide clean feeling all day long.  
    Our Balance formulation uses aromatherapy in your mouth.

    Where in your life do you need balance?  How can you make more space for balance?  Do you maintain inner balance?  Our intention is atomic balance.  The deep core strength of knowing who you are and nothing can disrupt you from your center. 
    Tooth Beauty Care for your teeth, saliva and gums.  Food to nourish your oral beauty's microbiome.
    Created by our founder, a Biological, Holistic, Registered Dental Hygienist, proudly used in holistic dental clinics for over a decade, happily, we bring us to you.

  • Pyrophyllite Clay
    100% naturally occurring smectite clay from a singular deposit near the mystical region of Crater Lake, Oregon. Draws out the chemicals of city water and adds nourishing influences (minerals and electrolytes) and detoxification potency to our toothpaste. Assists in reducing heavy metals, chemicals, and other toxins from the skin, lymphatic system, capillaries, and deeper tissues. It's said that this is the best detoxifying agent of all the clays. It also helps our environment, and the minerals help break down sludge in our water pipes.

    Arrow Root: 
    Increase alkalinity in saliva.  Gives a rich velvety luxurious texture to our toothpaste. 

    Organic MCT Coconut Oil
    It binds to the biofilm, or plaque, on the teeth and reduces bacteria in the mouth. It is thought that the breaking down of the fatty coconut oil by the saliva's enzymes turns it into acids, which are toxic to certain bacteria. The enzyme-modified coconut oil strongly inhibits the growth of most strains of Streptococcus bacteria, including symptoms of Streptococcus mutans, an acid-producing bacterium that is a major cause of tooth decay.

    (Methylsulfonylmethane is a sulfur compound naturally found in some plants and (in small quantities) in numerous foods and drinks. Its biologically active sulfur is anti-inflammatory, aids in whitening and pain-relieving.

    Sodium Bicarbonate (baking soda, aluminum-free)
    Neutralizing food acids & bacterial acids improves the enzyme composition flowing into the mouth. Increasing the ph level in your saliva. Reduces halitosis, mouth ulcers & sores. Polishes and whitens teeth.

    Yarrow Root
    Yarrow is anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, & astringent. 

    A remarkable clay that contains a broad spectrum of macro minerals, trace minerals, and M-State elements.

    Fulvic & Humic Earth
    Fulvic/Humic is pure, whole food; living  fruits, vegetables, and other plant matter that was buried, compressed, and highly concentrated in a natural vein.  Through natural biological activity, these active living plant nutrients were converted into a highly concentrated ionic substance known as Humic. It was formed millions of years ago during extreme geological events and is now found in select areas around the world. This ancient composted material contains all the major and trace elements present when these organically rich vegetal deposits were laid down. It was preserved in its living, pristine form where it has been untouched and unaffected by pollution, chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers to this day.

    Our Humic source material is
     from an isolated area high in the mountains of New Mexico. It comes from a vein that is about 15 to 20 feet below the surface.  This fulvic/humic vein of plant matter is from a fresh water source.   Fresh water fulvic deposits have the lowest molecular weight, and are much more bio-available. The fulvic nutrients are easily absorbed by cells because of their small size, as opposed to salt water minerals, which have minimal bio-availability.

    Minerals extracted from this plant source are ionic and readily absorbable by our bodies because they are in a form that our bodies were designed to ionic plant-based form - not rock, clay, or metal. With proper assimilation by the body, these ionic minerals are either fully absorbed, or if unneeded they are flushed from the system, leaving no unusable residue to build up in the tissues.

    Humic is 100% natural, ionic essential minerals, trace elements, and amino acids. It is the original whole food based plant material from which fulvic is extracted. Humic is higher in mineral content than Fulvic .

    Dental Grade 10% Micro Hydroxyapatite

    We are using the highest amount that any toothpaste company offers.   We use the best in the world.  Hydroxyapatite (HAp) is a form of calcium phosphate that makes up to 97% of tooth enamel and 70% of dentin and bone. Its efficacy comes from its capacity to repair teeth and bones.   The nanostructure of the Micro-aggregates is identical in size to your natural hydroxyapatite.

    It is  100% biocompatible and 100% bioavailable.  Helps with caries prevention, repair of micro-lesions (small cavities), pearlescent (restore dull teeth to shiny youthful white,) and tooth sensitivity protection. It can help remineralize and restore enamel. The majority of the enamel and dentin in your teeth is made from a form of hydroxyapatite.  Our micro hydroxyapatite feeds the dentin as well as the enamel. 

    Is the principal alkaloid (1.5–3%) of the cacao bean (Theobroma cacao.) It is extracted from the husks of cacao beans.  In the presence of calcium and phosphate, hydroxyapatite crystallites of an increased size strengthen the enamel, making it less susceptible to acid attack.  Studies also indicate cocoa bean husk being effective in reducing mutant streptococci that cause cavities.

    Prebiotic.  Significant reduction to the proportions of tongue bacteria associated with oral malodor, therefore helping to create fresh breath.  Studies have shown the capability to neutralize pH (cavity prevention), decrease inflammation, disrupt biofilm (dental plaque), and balance the microbiota, creating a balanced oral eco-system.

    Xanthan Gum
    Prebiotics help strengthens the healthy bacteria in your oral mouth's microbiome. 

    Himalayan Salt
    Temporarily increases the pH balance of your mouth, creating an alkaline environment in which bacteria struggle to survive and colonize. Helps soothe and heal mouth sores and ulcers.

    Cranberry Seed Oil
    Cranberry Seed Oil has essential fatty acids that support the resolution of inflamed gums and supports a healthy oral microbiome.

    Essential Oils are Organic and Wildcrafted

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal, alkaline, moistens, and freshens breath.

    Anti-inflammatory and helps soothe receding gums. 

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal.

    Tea Tree
    Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal. Wound Healing properties.

    Anti-inflammatory, connect to your personal power and energizes.

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and Immune-enhancing.  Great for meditation and sacred ceremonies.  Grounding and clearing.

    Ginger root CO2 

    Anti-inflammatory, increase circulation

    Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, and anti-fungal.

    Antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory, relieves pain.  Increases circulation, vasodilator, and increases salivary flow—uplifting, calming, and grounding.

    Holy Basil 
    Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antioxidant, and anticoagulant.  

    Our Master Aromatherapist/ Aromacologist has had a relationship with our Organic and Wildcrafted Botanical essential oil farms for over 15 years. What we love about her, she is a purest. 

  • Mindfully brushing while silently repeating your positive affirmation, mantra, or that to which you desire to manifest.  " All my lessons flow with ease and grace." 

    Cacao + nano-hydroxyapatite remineralizes enamel & heals tooth sensitivity.  Balance formulation stimulates your olfactory center in your brain for thoughts and emotions to bring awareness of balance in the area(s) of your life. Results Vary.  To Feed, Nourish, Brighten, Polish, & Deeply clean, apply a pearl-size to your wet toothbrush.  Brush for 2 - 3 minutes. Rinse with our Ocean Antibacterial Sea Salt Rinse.


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